Pass the driving test easily with practice tests and learning road signs.
This app includes multiple choice tests and a section for learning driving signs and practical tips.
You can see the results of your practice tests and their answer letters. Answer letters will be saved for you in a separate section.
In the traffic signs section, you can learn these signs or strengthen your memory by hiding the names of the signs and remembering them.
In the driving instructions section, there are useful tips that will help you get a higher passing score in the test. For example, tips about weather conditions and roads, parking, accidents, highways, etc.
- including 13 practice tests (650 questions)
- Questions related to driving signs
- Answer letter after each test
- Save the results of each test
- Useful tips to improve driving skills¬¬¬¬
Note: There are advertisements in the application, which consume a small amount of Internet volume.
Due to the large number of Android devices with different versions, the performance of the app may have bugs in some of these devices, we are always trying to improve the performance of the app.